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Microstructure evolution

Coordinated by Pär Olsson, KTH (SE) and Cornelia Heintze, HZDR (DE)

Domain 1 includes the modelling and experimental activities addressing the study of the formation and evolution of irradiation induced nano- and microstructure, as well as microchemical changes leading to a redistribution of alloying elements (Cr and C being in the focus). This domain features a strong component of innovative model development, by addressing the effects of magnetism and finite temperatures on the diffusion properties of the defects that drive the nanostructural evolution, foreseeing also both irradiation and postirradiation experiments using neutrons, self-ions and protons. The ion and proton irradiation conditions for the campaigns to be executed in M4F were already preliminarily defined within the framework of EERA JPNM pilot projects, in order to be comparable with or complementary to neutron irradiation conditions already achieved within the MATISSE project. The neutron-irradiated specimens will be provided as an in-kind contribution to the M4F project.

This domain is divided in two Work Packages

Click here to read a paper on the work and achievements of M4F

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Thursday, 09:00
M4F Final Workshop
CIEMAT, Spain (face-to-face and online)
Monday, 09:00
M4F SAC meeting
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