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Project Structure and Method

The project is broken down in Domains and Work-Packages. The Domains are defined in terms of approaches and scales, clusters of Work-Packages contribute to each of the objectives.

Project M4F structure

The distinctive feature of the M4F project is its combination of multiscale physical modelling and advanced microstructural and mechanical characterisation using several complementary techniques. This enables a full comprehension of the physics that drive the change of properties under irradiation of F/M steels, including in addition a direct comparison between the effects of neutron and ion irradiation. Models and experiments feed each other: models provide a rationalisation of experimental observations based on fundamental physical laws and possible mechanisms; in turn, experimental data that cover as many microstructural features and deformation modes as possible allow the validation and the calibration of the models.

Project M4F method

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Click here to read a paper on the work and achievements of M4F

Latest events

Thursday, 09:00
M4F Final Workshop
CIEMAT, Spain (face-to-face and online)
Monday, 09:00
M4F SAC meeting
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